

2024-07-03 03:00:00

Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the Lord, and their works are in the dark; they say, “Who sees us?” and, “Who knows us?”

Isaiah 29.15


          Why was I called to faith in Christ? This should be the question of those who attend services in evangelical churches. Now, many have reached the highest position of human beings in this world, but they are probably failing to fulfill what God wants to do in them and for them, and that is terrible. Who doesn't want to become a blessing, especially to themselves and, if they succeed, to their neighbor as well?


            Even the holiest are included in this revelation from Isaiah, which says that human plans remove them from God's presence. In fact, they don't notice the attempt to hide what they want from the Lord. Lack of complete surrender to the Lord allows a person to have their own goals, causing them to sacrifice their soul. Whoever does not bow to the Holy Scriptures will certainly never open up to the Father of Lights, but will live in dangerous darkness.


           Opening our hearts to God will make us see the importance of having and keeping the commandments, and thus loving Him and being loved by Him (John 14:21,23). We need the true and powerful Light, capable of revealing to us how carnal and selfish we are. The Lord has called us to have life, and life more abundantly (John 10.10), but the deceitfulness of riches, the cares of this world and desires for other things keep us bound and deceived (Mark 4.19). We need to go into the light, so that we can know ourselves.


           In the Church, we can't belong to groups that are deceived and therefore are not fulfilled. The way out of our mistakes is simple and lies before us, as the Master advised: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you (Matthew 6.33). By believing in the revelation of the Bible, through the Holy Spirit, we will please our heavenly Father.


           Be honest with yourself, ask yourself this question and the answer will come from God: what is the focus of your life? Have you been trying to hide your purpose from God's omniscience in the depths of your heart? That's wrong! You need to tell the Lord about it, because if you continue to have such hidden desires, you will soon need Him as your Refuge, Fortress and very present Help (Psalm 46.1), but you won't find Him (Psalm 66.18).


           Keep the following in mind: God has foreknowledge, omniscience; He is Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Faced with this truth, tell Him what's going on in your soul and ask Him to help you strip yourself of these things and be a faithful servant. Then, when you do, you'll realize how deluded you were. The Lord sees you for what you really are; if you're believing a lie, wearing beautiful garments that are actually ugly and inadequate. You have to clothe yourself with the Most High!


          When you plan, you deceive yourself, but when you believe in God's Word, you free yourself from the actions of the forces of darkness. God knows you better than you know yourself, so let the Holy Spirit guide you into all the Truth and then you will be used by the Lord and led to do His will. There is no happiness outside of heaven's plan for your life!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares





Today's Prayer

          God of our life! It is wonderful to surrender to You, to conform to Your will and to let You grow within us. We are grateful that You allow us to know You and give ourselves to You. Help us, O Most High, to act only according to Your will!



           We want to surrender to You in the same way that our brothers surrendered in times of crisis and were guided to do something great for Your work. These are difficult times, times of temptation and suffering, but we want to enter into Your renewal!


           Here we are, surrendering ourselves to Your purpose. Take away the desires of our flesh and show us how good it is to act according to Your plans. Your foreknowledge and Your Spirit help us to live out the best of our faith in Christ. Thank You, Lord!