Photo: Louis Hansel


2025-03-02 03:00:00

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Romans 5.5

             Among the many truths proclaimed by the Bible, which do us tremendous good, we can mention that hope does not disappoint. Now, those who have heard the Word of God and loved It have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, so they are prepared to be with the Lord when He takes His Church out of this evil world. This world will go through the worst of times, because when Christ returns from heaven, there will be no way to be saved (Revelation 19:11-21).


           The Word doesn't promise that God's love will be poured into our hearts, but it clearly says that it has already happened. Therefore, there is no way that people can deceive themselves or fail to be saved. Even if we fall into transgression, we can confess it to God, who does not promise to study our case, but rather to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1.9). Receive Jesus into your heart and live!


           We can never accept our minds being confused by any religious matters. We need to remember that the love that changes our entire being is already poured into our hearts. Christians must never submit to the enemy, but trust in the hope that they have been redeemed and will rise with Christ. He will come for His Church. This has been declared and will never change (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). The saved already have eternity within them and, when they die, they will meet the Lord!


          Nor do we need to ask for the Holy Spirit to be given to us again. That happened when we were baptized with Him, and that condition is permanent (Romans 8:9). We can now resist the enemy through Christ's work in and through us. So let us rejoice exceedingly, because the precious oil of heaven will always be in our lives. Now watch out that the devil doesn't steal what's yours!


           I'll say it again: God's love is poured into our hearts, and this abundant oil enables us to live from glory to glory, victoriously, at all times. The heavenly Father knows what your destiny will be when Christ returns, so prepare yourself for the reception you will receive when you enter Heaven, where you will have an exact idea of how much God loves you!


           The foolish women had no oil reserve, but the wise ones did (Matthew 25:1-13). Remember: everyone should be wise, have the ability to see evil and evade it. So don't be taken in by the weak in faith or false Christians, who don't even know what the phrase means: the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. This is the same as saying: “We lack nothing to ascend with Jesus on the Last Day." Believe it!


           Sooner than we think, we will see the Savior descending among the clouds to lead us to the Kingdom of God, where we will live far from demons and temptations. That's why your confidence will not be shaken, but will be calm, waiting for God's beloved Son. We must look forward to that Day with great anticipation. Pray and turn to Jesus!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares



Today's Prayer

Lord of light and peace! It is good to hear that hope does not disappoint. Hope is the pure truth that presents us with the Kingdom of God and is Christ Himself in His eternal existence, at the Father's side, as Creator of Heaven and Earth. He is the living Hope!


Most people live like animals; they don't pray or seek You but live far from Your love and Your peace, not knowing what to do or say. Father, open their understanding and that of their families. Then they will see that they can now enter through the door that leads to heaven!


We thank You for pouring Your love into our hearts so that we will never be cast aside when Christ comes for Your church. We will go up with the saved to live eternally in Your kingdom. Help us to seek out Your lost sheep!