Photo: Jamie Street


2025-03-13 03:00:00

Should not the multitude of words be answered? And should a man full of talk be vindicated?

Job 11.2

        This response came from Zophar to Job, the patriarch who had faced the worst moments of his life and couldn't see anything getting better. Zophar used harsh words to answer his friend. His comments were many and, in what he said, we see that we have to close our mouths so as not to say things we don't know, because there will be an answer to the multitude of words. The Bible contains other warnings for those who speak what they don't know and, worse, accuse the Lord.

         Jesus gave us the following guidance: But I say to you that every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it on the day of judgment (Matthew 12:36). The idle word, which profits nothing, comes from the mind of man and not from God. It certainly leads people astray from the true Way, and then the one who uttered it will answer for the harm caused to those who followed the biblical guidance.


         The worst thing is when the idle word is preached from the pulpit as if it were a message from God. It does harm and not good because, not having originated in the heart of the Creator, it contaminates those who do not know the Truth, leading them to make wrong decisions. Those at the head of the church need to prepare themselves to only announce what comes from the Altar of the Lord. Giving an indirect message is sad to see, especially when that message is a call to sin.


         The lazy preacher will answer for not having dedicated time to the Lord. This minister has stopped being guided by the Holy Spirit and has become a puppet in the devil's hands. Take care not to be someone's stumbling block (Luke 17:1,2). There are sad cases in which messengers were not careful when giving advice and said aberrations, such as advising someone to leave their spouse. Nothing justifies giving such advice!


From the very beginning of the Christian faith, we must teach new converts to live without putting lies in the mouths of others. If you don't have a biblical revelation for someone, keep quiet. It's better to ask for time to pray and prepare than to be used by the enemy. See how wrong are those who don't watch themselves and speak without Heaven's guidance, causing others to make a foolish decision (1 Kings 13:11-24). There will be an answer to the multitude of words!


          It is good to meditate on Deuteronomy 32:32 onwards, on the serious warnings contained in this passage. They will serve for the good of those who love the Lord. In this song, God declares: For it is not a futile thing for you, for it is your life; and by this word you shall prolong your days in the land, which you cross over the Jordan to possess (Deuteronomy 32:47). Only the Father can advise us how to live and not vegetate on this good earth!

Draw close to the Most High with all your heart, always seeking the right direction for your life. At the end of it all, you will be ready to go up with Jesus when He comes for His Church. Those who don't go up with Him will suffer all kinds of violence and evil that the devil will do before the Lord's return (Revelation 12.12). Take care not to suffer!

           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

God, our Counselor! How can some live saying that they are Your servants, but they don't consecrate themselves. They don't open their hearts to You and get involved in things that don't edify. Others only come to You in times of pain and sorrow!


Look at those who live on the margins of faith, go through turbulent times and still accuse You of not taking care of them. They don't know that they will respond to the multitude of empty words, and the worst thing: they won't let themselves be taught by You. Help them to start serving you again!

Whoever speaks the truth, confessing their mistakes and repenting of them, and turns to You will be justified in the work done by Jesus on Calvary. That person will allow Your Spirit to teach them. Father, save the doubters who do not seek You!