

2024-07-11 03:00:00

For every man threw down his rod, and they became serpents. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods

Exodus 7.12

           Imagine if you had been there that day, when Moses met Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and saw him laughing with the magicians, pleased that they had performed the same sign as Moses with Aaron's rod! It was a battle between light and darkness. Soon, however, everything would change: the laughter of Pharaoh and the sorcerers soon ended, as Aaron's rod swallowed up theirs. The lesson given was: only the power of God would be witnessed there.


           We must be bold and use the anointing given to us when we were baptized in the Holy Spirit. The Lord's works are not intended to give anyone promotion, but to turn a completely chaotic place into a field full of grain and a bountiful orchard, or to multiply five loaves of bread and two fish into a quantity capable of satisfying your hunger and that of five thousand men, plus women and children (Matthew 14.13-21). This is a miracle from the Lord!


           The Almighty is unequaled in everything. Even though He sees the wickedness of the devil's servants, He wants to save them. However, if they continue to sin, they will taste eternal death in the lake of fire and brimstone. God is not an executioner, as some religions say about Him. That's why the oppressed can come to Jesus to be freed from darkness. The Savior forgives sins, heals diseases and gives prosperity (Psalm 103.3-5)!


           And now, Pharaoh, what do you have to say to God's servants? That they return the rods swallowed by Aaron's rod? In fact, evil only works where divine power is far away. For those who witnessed that phenomenon in which the staff used by the man of God became a serpent and devoured those of the Egyptian magicians, the devil's limitation was proven. Aaron's staff didn't get fat or heavy. Now, the devil only makes illusions. God is real and faithful!


           By sending His power to heal sicknesses, the Lord does such a perfect job that you don't need to do any rituals to make the enemy's lie disappear. Right now, as you read about God's power to swallow the magicians' staffs, pray and believe this: He will "swallow" sickness and any other evil from your life. You are standing before the Lord who heals!


           When Jesus works in our services, we hear people tell us that lumps have disappeared from their bodies, pains have gone, and cancerous tumors have disappeared. Deaf ears become normal and start to hear, blind eyes start to see, and God is praised for the miracles performed amongst His people. Right now, the Father is ready to act in your life, wherever you are. So, pray now in the Name of Jesus and send your evil away.


           Who was glorified in Egypt? The Lord, who showed His power with glory. The magicians were embarrassed and lost the staffs used by the devil to demoralize the divine work. After all, we were made to overcome the works of the enemy. Your faith will bring you into God's presence, so pray and believe!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer


           Lord of the final fulfillment! The magicians did not lose by waiting to see Who is and always will be the Winner in all battles. You are our God who wants to use whoever believes in You and make them victorious by Your power!


           Before that scenario, the Egyptians' laughter must have been muted, for they were astonished to see that the staff used by Aaron swallowed up the others. This is the action of Your power when we call on you in the Name of Jesus. Father, help us!


        The people are waiting for Your manifestation, the healing of their ills and the transformation in their lives. Many cry out to You, cry out for Your help and ask for the manifestation of Your power in order to heal them, free them and save them!