

2024-10-16 03:00:00

They have grown fat, they are sleek; yes, they surpass the deeds of the wicked; they do not plead the cause, the cause of the fatherless; yet they prosper, and the right of the needy they do not defend.

Jeremiah 5.28

           In the days leading up to the Babylonian invasion the nation of Judah was in a pitiful state! God's people allowed themselves to be carried away by moral and spiritual lowness, by allowing the leader of Babylon to set foot in the Promised Land. This somewhat erased the greatness of the deliverance of the sons of Jacob from slavery in Egypt. As a result, the Name of the Lord was dishonored, and the king of the Chaldeans took the sacred objects from the temple. A day of sorrow and shame!


           The Hebrews were wrapped up in sin and did not consider it wrong to mix the worship of idols with that of the Lord, who was treated terribly. Why do people who know their God stop acting in His Name to support the intentions of Hell (Jeremiah 2.11-13)? The warning to those who rebel against the Truth is that it is sovereign in its essence. There is no way to tarnish the glory of the One who said and proved that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14.6)!


           The Jewish leaders not only smoothed over their deeds, but also led the people to do what they now believed in. They only wanted wealth, the applause of the lost and the lie that was growing alarmingly in that land. Why did they act so wrongly, without giving the Lord a chance to work on their behalf? In those days, royal arrogance prevailed, which is why everything was overthrown in the city of the great king (2 Chronicles 36.17-21). Such irreparable damage!


           Every citizen who has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior has an obligation to continually set an example for their family and friends, without fading away because of some who don't care where they spend eternity (2 Timothy 2.24-26). How can a person not be interested in this truth? Only if they are under the influence of some drug that has messed with their mind to the point where they can't think straight!


           The civil authorities of Judah, as well as a large part of the religious leaders, didn't care about their future and that of their own. Those who think this way will go to the judgment seat of eternity. It's sad to know that there are people who have been saved, have sought the Lord and have been used by Him in healing the sick, freeing the oppressed, saving the lost and seeking those who have strayed from the Way, but today they no longer care. Has their purpose changed?


           Sometimes those who leave their first love (Revelation 2:4) overlook the deeds of the lost and despise the orphan’s cause. It's sad to know that they don't help those who suffer material shortage. Where are the Lord's anointed for the ministry? Today, many are more concerned with their wealth and what they would like to have more and more of. Don't they remember Jesus' warnings? (Mark 4.18,19).


           As God's ministers, we have the authority to bind and unbid something on Earth (Matthew 16.19), knowing that this will be done automatically in the spirit world. Why have you disconnected yourselves from other things and not connected yourselves to the Lord and His Word? Time is passing by so quickly and at any moment, Jesus will return. Where will those who have lost their focus of their faith be sent? (Hebrews 10.26-31).


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares



Today's Prayer

God, our Friend! We don't want to think about the wrong things that many people do. We can never stop serving You 24 hours a day. Are we getting fat on sins, Lord? We ask for mercy!


Father, have we surpassed the deeds of the wicked? No, Lord! This cannot happen to Your servants who are already washed in the blood of Christ, sanctified in the Holy Spirit and blameless in Your Name. Have mercy on us!

We must judge the cause of orphans whose spiritual fathers have changed their minds and rejected Your call. We must bring prosperity to all who once called You Father and to the lost who will soon call You Father too!