2025-02-05 03:00:00
Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.
Joshua 5.15
Joshua had no doubt that God would call him to lead Israel to the Promised Land because he knew that he would receive an anointing similar to Moses, his predecessor, as the Most High had planned (Joshua 1:1-9). Whoever is sent to carry out a mission given by God has the necessary power to fulfill His will. The command was to begin the conquest of Canaan through Jericho. The task was great, and the anointing he received was sufficient.
Knowing that God would guide him in everything, Joshua went to Jericho to see how he could enter the city, which was guarded by high walls and seemed impossible to conquer. While observing the size of the challenge, he spotted a man drawing a sword from its sheath, indicating readiness to fight. As he watched him, the servant of the Lord wondered whether he was an Israelite or one of the enemies. If he was an enemy, the fight would begin right there.
Joshua had no fear and approached the man, asking if he was one of his people or an adversary. He was humbled by the answer: “So He said: No, but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come. And Joshua fell to the ground in worship and said to Him, 'What does my Lord say to His servant?' (Joshua 5:14). Joshua's heart rejoiced at these words, and he immediately worshipped the Most High, asking for directions for the battle.
When you are facing problems that are greater than your strength and you feel you need help, remember: you have been sent to do the same works as Jesus (John 14:12), because you have been given the same power that He received from the Father. Don't back down or claim that it's impossible to carry out such a command. Everyone who is sent is capable of fulfilling the task to which they have been called. God is faithful to His promises and does not allow failure.
Those sent by the Most High must walk in the path He has marked out, which is revealed in the Scriptures (Psalm 119:105). Those who rely on
man's advice, even if they are saved, will miss God's best guidance. The Lord is not pleased with work done outside of His guidance, because the glory will not be His. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and you will achieve good results and bring joy to the Almighty!
The prince of the heavenly army told Joshua to take off his shoes, because the place where he was standing was holy. You see, God was in that battle, and in this case, shoes symbolized human attempts that could hinder divine action. Joshua would receive direction from the Most High to proceed as instructed. The Word says: "As for me, You uphold me in my integrity and set me before Your face forever" (Psalm 41:12). Joshua obeyed!
That land had been prepared by the Lord when He called Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees to go to the land that would be shown to him (Genesis 12:1-3). Joshua was one of the descendants of the patriarch who would lead God's people into Canaan, fulfilling the promises made by the Almighty. We are heirs of the promises in Christ, and we will receive the blessings through faith and obedience.
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
Lord of the holy order! When You speak to us through the Scriptures, the blessing is already ours. It is the realization of what You promised to Abraham and to Your Son, Jesus. We need to believe and receive it wholeheartedly, and all the glory and praise will be Yours!
Teach us to stand before our Jericho and raise our eyes to claim what belongs to us. The enemy cannot rob us of the blessings acquired and given to us by You. We are eternally grateful!
No matter the walls, no matter the enemy's strategy to confront us, You have the power to shake the very foundations of all of Hell's preparations. Father, we are the heirs of Your Kingdom of love!