Photo: Anthony DELANOIX


2024-10-19 03:00:00

 Saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat".

Matthew 23.2

           Moses was one of the greatest teachers and statesmen the world has ever known. He left behind all the others who were considered good (Numbers 12.3). There is no way to compare someone who truly serves God, from whose mouth never came an unclean or condemning word, to the most wicked human beings. Blessed are those who serve the Lord, for they will be rewarded for what they have done! 


         The scribes had the task of writing down the Holy Scripture manually. But over time, they began to think they were capable of teaching it, since they knew it by heart. Their mistake was to overlook the fact that the Word is discerned spiritually, not mentally (1 Corinthians 2.14). Nothing is further from the truth than receiving something without the assistance of Heaven, which shows the exact meaning of the Scriptures. Who told them to sit in Moses' chair?


         The Pharisees were the most “dedicated” in Judaism. They thought they were better than the others and even than what Jesus ministered, because they always questioned His statements. This religious group went to the Savior's meetings to try to catch Him in some wrong doctrine. Poor mortals! How can anyone surprise the Lord with a slip-up if He is perfect? Those religious people denied the teachings of others. Were they special?

           Many sit in Jesus' chair and call themselves teachers. However, the work these people do in secret is shameful, and yet they come before the people and condemn the one God is using. Show me one of them who prays for the sick to be healed and the oppressed to be set free. They say that divine healing is the work of Satan! But who receives the glory?

          No one should be in doubt as to whether a work is of God. If someone is used to do what Jesus did, it is within the biblical affirmation: Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my Father (John 14.12). Some people show off their organization’s card, or their diploma from a theological school, but where are their works?

          Saying that you graduated from some world-renowned school, or using condemning and forbidding words, as the disciples did with the man who cast out demons, doesn't prove that you're doing God's work: Now John answered Him, saying, Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us; casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him, because he does not follow us (Mark 9.38). After all, he was from another “denomination”.


           We have to check the credentials of those who claim to be the Master's disciples, confirm their way of life, their demeanor at home and when paying their bills. Paul spoke of the evidence of God's servant: Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and might deeds (2 Corinthians 12.12). What do you do with the talent the Lord has entrusted to you? Amend yourself so as not to be reproved on the last day.


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

God of our position! You give us the responsibility of fulfilling Your will to evangelize the world, bringing people to know You and enjoy the blessings purchased by Jesus upon His death. We want to serve You more and better!   

We can only give what we have and we know what You have given us through the Word. You give us guidance, but it often seems that we are surrounded by enemies. They try to prevent us from reaching the necessary understanding. Father, help us!

Having understanding will make us free to do Your work. If Your Church is not blessed by Your revelation, we will do little. Without You, our words will be powerless, but with Your help, we will do as You command!