Photo: Juliane Liebermann O


2024-10-25 03:00:00

But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren.

Matthew 23.8


         The Lord's guidance is never to allow ourselves to be called teachers. Jesus emphasizes this instruction again, saying that we must reject this treatment, because to receive this title is to harm ourselves. When we allow such a designation, our ego inflates, causing us harm (Proverbs 16.18). God asks us to get rid of this evil arrow, because it will lead us to the judgment seat of Christ. To be considered a faithful servant of God is better!

           Before the thought is formed, God already knows what will come into our hearts. So, let's reject any deception. We must strengthen ourselves in the love of the Father dedicated to us, leading us to the salvation provided by Jesus. The best thing is to walk with our heads held high, without fear of evil attacks. Established in the Eternal, we will never be surprised by the operations of the kingdom of darkness (Romans 8.31-39). God keeps us from all evil!

         Being in Covenant with Jesus, we will be one with Him, just as He and the Father are one. The true and good Teacher is Christ. God says that there is much to be learned about our communion with Him. With the faith that comes from hearing the Word (Romans 10.17), we have the information we need. When we pay due attention to God's voice, a certainty of things to be hoped for arises in us: the faith capable of giving us victory (Hebrews 11.1). It's easy to be an agent of divine justice.


           When the saved fulfill the Scriptures, they begin to be used by God. The Christian must beware of the devil's cunning snares, which want to fill him with fear. The Greatest One is with us! The Lord anoints us and gives us the protection we need to do His will: to rebuke the wiles of darkness. By filling yourself with divine power, you will never fail. So go forward with faith and courage to see that the biblical promises make you according to the Father's heart. You can do it!


           The Most High does not accept His children living in defeat, running away from the battles of faith. After all, He will go ahead of them and make them successful. After this exhortation, never let the Name of Jesus be put to shame again. Those who suffer for Christ's sake learn a good lesson: to be answered when they cry out against their persecutors. Here is the promise: no harm will come to the tent of those who live under the shadow of the Almighty (read Psalm 91). Stand firm in your faith in Christ. It will lead you to real victory.


           King Hezekiah faced a gigantic test, because the powerful king of Assyria seized almost all of his territory, demanding the surrender of Jerusalem, the capital. Hezekiah tried to negotiate the return of the Assyrians home by giving them gifts. However, he discovered that with the enemy, you don't negotiate, you just fight and win. It sounded like the prophet Isaiah's folly, but he received Heaven's answer: to mock Sennacherib and his soldiers, and this enraged them.


           In the eyes of the Lord, the Assyrians had to surrender, because they were fighting against God's people, even though there were more Assyrian soldiers around Jerusalem than inhabitants. However, Sennacherib didn't understand the message, and that night an angel killed 185,000 soldiers (2 Kings 19.35). There is only one Master, Christ, and we are all brothers and sisters of Him and in Him. Believe what God tells you and set out for victory!


         In Christ, with love,

         R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

Beloved Lord! We thank You for the lesson! You will always be our Master. We will turn to You to learn the Truth, because only You have the Word of eternal life. What man says, chooses or despises is of no interest to us!


Everything in Heaven and on Earth was formed by You and for You. You give us the necessary access and anointing to be Your servants, and that qualification is all we need. We want to improve the way we serve You. Thus, we won't hinder Your plans. Bring us into Your presence!

Everyone should practice Your teachings! We can say that we live below the line You have set as a standard to be guided by Your good eyes! Father, we are grateful for everything You give us!