

2024-07-20 03:00:00

Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age; and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing.

Genesis 18.11


         This biblical text presents Abraham and the barren Sarah as elderly, so the promise of the Redeemer was in danger of not coming true. Nevertheless, Abraham was called to be the patriarch of the family through which the Savior would come. Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.” And there he built an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him (Genesis 12.7). The seed referred to Jesus, and the land was spiritual!


           This couple was languid, but the work the Lord had done on both of them, restoring their vigor, was special. He allowed them to return to their former practices, restoring their ability to conceive children. So, Sarah began menstruating again and producing eggs. Without this, neither conception nor breastfeeding would be possible. By entering a person's life, the heavenly Father heals them and does so completely.


           We must never impose limits on our God; after all, it is His nature to work the most beautiful and diverse miracles. It seems to me that Abraham and Sarah once again enjoyed their youth, which was miraculously renewed by the action of the Almighty. Sarah must have breastfed Isaac just as she would have done when she was young. When anyone receives the Lord into their life, their dreams are fulfilled (Psalm 103.5). The Truth must be taught!


           In my ministry, two ladies testified that, before accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, they walked according to the course of the world. However, after their conversion, they repented of that lifestyle and asked the Father to give them back their virginity, because they were new creatures, and this happened. This is an important lesson: we cannot restrict the actions of the Almighty. The faith that comes into our Hearts connect us to God's ability!


           Abraham kept his youth in an extraordinary way. After Sarah's death, thirty-seven years after Isaac was born, the patriarch felt he needed to marry again and found Keturah, who must have been a girl, perhaps under 30. With her, Abraham had six sons: And she bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shua (Genesis 25.2). It is also possible that they had daughters. The Bible doesn't mention them, because at that time it was customary to mention only sons.


          What is in the Scriptures is for our benefit: For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope (Romans 15.4). So, I repeat: never presuppose what God can or cannot do. The Lord does the impossible when there is no chance. Now, if you don't believe in God's power, nothing will happen (Mark 11.22-24). Pray, trust and rejoice!


           How about committing yourself right now to what has caught your attention in the Word? When God reveals something, everything is already prepared to happen. You just need to talk to Him about your way of life, your secret desires, and get right with Him. Give yourself truly to Christ and rebuke the evils, telling them to retreat. Stand firm!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer


         God of perfect wonders! Before You, we thank You for the authority and wisdom given to us and we take on what belongs to us in the perfect work carried out by Jesus on our behalf. For this, we praise Your Name with all our heart!


           What You did in Abraham and Sarah, You can do in everyone who believes in You. Your blessing on them has come to us too. Therefore, we rebuke all evil and declare ourselves healed. Forgive us and save us!


           We claim the renewal of our youth. We praise Your name and thank You for giving us such understanding and making us walk in Your presence, knowing that Your favor lasts forever. We want to carry out Your orders with joy and praise!