Doctor Soares’ livestream is translated to 20 languages
The five steps to victory
The path to take possession of the blessing
- Self-respect
- Lesson one
- This can also happen to you
- Learning how to ordain
- Are we demanding God to do something when we ordain?
- God’s method is not complicated
- A challenge to those who believe
- You do the work of God
- Examples of people who ordained

We have ministered this Course on Faith to millions of people over the past years. Many come to thank us because these teachings have changed their form of believing.
We thank God for showing us the principles that operated in the lives of the Lord Jesus and His apostles, and were the reason for the success of their ministries we read about in the Scriptures. I believe that if we apply the same principles today, the people of God can achieve the same success.
We should never allow the Gospel – the power of God – to be placed on the same level with religions, works of man, or in some cases, even with demons. The Gospel is different; it is the power of God Himself in action, healing the sick, casting out demons, raising up those who are cast down and bestowing holiness and power on the people of God.
There shall yet rise up a group of people who are conscious of their rights and principles in Christ, and shall show the world the difference between one who serves the Lord and one who does not. I believe this is already happening, because when we begin to understand who we are and what we have in Christ, it is a sign that the true army of new creatures is rising up for the glory of the Lord.
Strive to do these 12 lessons. They will assuredly make you a blessing. Allow the Lord to be glorified through the life abundant you will start to live. That is what He expects from you.
In Christ, R. R. Soares
The purpose of this course is to help people understand a subject that is still a mystery to many: faith. I suggest that you forget everything you ever learned about this subject, and lay aside any knowledge you think you might have, so that with an open mind you can examine the Scriptures with us, as if you were just beginning your Christian walk. You must not mix this teaching with any other that you might have received elsewhere. Besides not being of any help, it would only complicate things. Lay aside what you know about faith, and then at the end of the course evaluate what you have learned. If you find the result satisfactory, then throw your former concepts out. If you are not satisfied with what you learned, or think it has no value, then discard the teachings you received during the course and return to your former ideas and practices.
As a matter of fact, you will learn something new: how to stop practicing faith that is actually based on luck and begin practicing real faith. We will understand what it is to truly believe in God; how to face and overcome trying situations; and finally, how to enjoy all that Christ came to give us.
First of all you must have self-respect. There are teachings around that say we are worthless to God; that we are creatures of no importance to Him and it is only through His mercy that He saves us. Don’t get me wrong: we all believe that Jesus paid a very high price to redeem us, which is completely true. But it is also true that if He paid such a high price, then we have proportionately the same high value to the Lord God. He would not have paid so much for something of little or no value.
Lesson 1
In our first lesson on faith, we shall learn what ordaining is.
In John 14:13, Jesus gave us the following promise: And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
According to Greek scholars, the word ask is not ask the correct translation. The word ordain should have ordain been used instead. This is our first lesson. We do not have to ask for a blessing, but rather ordain, demand, command, and take possession of that which according to the Word rightfully belongs to us.
We shall learn many new things about faith in the following lessons. Whenever we learn something new, we should immediately put it into practice. We should never be slow to take possession of what belongs to us. When the Lord gives us a revelation, He also gives us a blessing.
This can also happen to you
From now on you will not have to pray and ask for healing, prosperity or to have victory over your 11 temptations; you will ordain or demand that all evil leave your life. Once, in Catanduva, a town in upstate São Paulo, a farmer told me the following experience. His chickens and pigs had been dying off. Every day he had to bury some more of his livestock, and there seemed to be nothing he could do to save his livelihood.
One morning he turned on the television and heard me speaking on ordaining. Without much orientation – which is really not very necessary – he opened the kitchen door, went out into the yard and exclaimed with his hand raised, “Not one more chicken or pig will die here, in the name of Jesus”. Three months after he declared this, he met me in a meeting I was holding in Catanduva. With tears streaming down his face, he told me that since then not a single animal had died on his farm.
It is not difficult. This can and should happen to you. The Lord Himself has so declared (John 14:13).
Learning how to ordain
To ordain is to set a time, define, establish, prescribe, determine, decree and decide.
So many people suffer constantly, even though they pray to God without ceasing. They ask Him to heal them, solve their problems, save the lost, and other such petitions. They do not know that the Lord is only waiting for them to ordain so that He can do the work.
Are we demanding God to do something when we ordain?
Of course we cannot demand anything from God; neither can we order Him to do this or that. He is the Lord, and we are His servants. When we ordain, we are not ordering God around, but rather are demanding that the devil remove his claws from us and disappear from our lives, our finances and our families. When we ordain, we are obeying the Lord. This is how we can make the enemy obey us.
When we ordain something in the Name of Jesus, the power of God begins to act and fulfill that which we have ordained.
God’s method is not complicated
It sounds so simple, but it is truly the fastest and surest way to receive blessings from the Lord. When we begin using God’s method, not only will we be obeying Him, we will also learn that this strategy really works.
I believe that God did not give us something complicated to do. Men complicate everything they do, and try to complicate the things of God too. As a matter of fact, the Lord God designed spiritual things to be so simple that even children and the feeble-minded could receive His blessings. The things of God are always simple and uncomplicated.
A challenge for those who believe
If you ordain something in the name of Jesus, you can be sure that your command will not fail. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the words of Jesus shall never pass away. Read Matthew 24:35.
When we act based on the Word of Jesus, victory is certain.
No matter how hard or discouraging the situation may seem, let us use our faith and declare what we believe, ordaining whatever is necessary. After we have done this, we can rest, even though the symptoms remain and everything around us says we have failed.
You do the work of God
Once you learn that you must ordain, establish limits and say what you will and what you will not allow in your life. Stop your weeping, your lamenting; stop beseeching God in His goodness to remember you.
Start rejoicing in the presence of the most High. Stop begging for blessings; begin to thank God for them. Tell God how grateful you are in knowing that He will do whatever you ordain.
God is showing you your real possibilities in Him. You belong to God, and were recreated in Christ Jesus to be an overcomer, to live an abundant life, and to ordain whatever you desire.
Confess: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).
Examples of people who ordained
We find countless examples in the Bible of people who ordained – though they probably were not very familiar with the term – and were obeyed. The case of Paul in Lystra is noteworthy: And in Lystra a certain man without strength in his feet was sitting, a cripple from his mother’s womb, who had never walked. This man heard Paul speaking. Paul, observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, “Stand up straight on your feet!” And he leaped and walked (Acts 14:8-10).
Observe that Paul did not pray for the man to be healed. He ordained his healing. We might also mention the time when Joshua ordained the sun and moon to stand still. The sun stopped in its course and the day was extended for almost twice its usual length (Joshua 10:10-15).
Biblical references
John 14:13
And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Acts 14:8-10
And in Lystra a certain man without strength in his feet was sitting, a cripple from his mother’s womb, who had never walked.
“And in Lystra a certain man without strength in his feet was sitting, a cripple from his mother’s womb, who had never walked. This man heard Paul speaking. Paul, observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, “Stand up straight on your feet!” And he leaped and walked.”
Joshua 10:12
Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon; And Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.”