More than conquerors
More than conquerors

Translators contribute to the mission of spreading the Gospel

The work of translators helps take the Word of God to different continents

Por Beatriz Moreira, do Ongrace

Dr. R. R. Soares ministers in English while the message is simultaneously translated for the Indian nation – Image: Ongrace


Through translation work, the Word of God has been reaching people from all over the world. On this September 30th, International Translator Day, we highlight the collaboration of these professionals who, in our ministry, are essential in the mission of proclaiming the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.

A translator is dedicated to translating written language, such as documents, books and subtitles. An interpreter is responsible for translating spoken language, such as lectures, meetings, video conferences and interviews.

Dr. R. R. Soares and Pr. Valeria Azerrad behind the scenes of a livestream for Italy – Image: Doctor R. R. Soares’ Instagram

A translator bridges two cultures and needs to know both well to achieve good results. They know the importance of understanding the culture and differences between countries, something that cannot be done accurately using translation tools.

In some situations, it is necessary to decide between preserving the cultural richness of a text, which can make it difficult to understand in the target language, or adapting the content to make it more accessible, running the risk of distancing it from its original form. However, an excellent professional can make this adaptation without harming the message.

For Adriane Fernandes, Doctor R. R. Soares’ English translator, it is necessary to be sensitive to finding cultural equivalents for idiomatic expressions and to be aware of possible offensive terms or misunderstandings. “In addition to the natural concern with the messages we translate, Doctor Soares’ livestreams and content require more attention due to the spiritual factor. Our goal is to create a bridge between cultures, transmitting the original message effectively and respectfully in the new cultural context, ensuring that the Gospel of Christ reaches people without impediments,” explains the translator.

Dr. R. R. Soares and translator Atmiel behind the scenes of a livestream for India – Image: Doctor R. R. Soares’ Instagram

For Doung Ny, the Khmer translator, a language spoken in Cambodia, bringing the Gospel through translation provides hope to the lost: “With translation, we can help people who have no hope, bringing joy, healing, prosperity and salvation for eternal life”.

Atmiel Kumar translates the messages into Hindi, a language spoken in India. He sees this job as a great privilege and a divine calling that fills him with gratitude. “Witnessing how God is using Doctor Soares to heal and transform lives, particularly in India, is truly inspiring and serves as a powerful incentive for what I do. The daily process of translating the Word of God not only blesses the audience, but also strengthens my own faith in the Lord, deepening my connection with Him”, explains Atmiel.

In June of this year, Doctor R. R. Soares, leader and founder of the International Grace of God Church livestreamed with simultaneous translations into 20 languages. The livestream, which reached believers from many countries, happened in the studio in Rio de Janeiro. Doctor Soares ministered in English and was joined by the following translators: Atmiel, responsible for the translation into Oriya, a language predominantly spoken in the state of Odisha, India; Nikita, in charge of the translation into Hindi, one of the most spoken languages ​​by Indians; Nelson, who translated into Burmese, the official language of Myanmar; and other simultaneous translators directly from the state of São Paulo.

Dr. R. R. Soares and translator Atmiel, Nikita and Nelson in the livestream that was translated into 20 languages ​​– Archive

During the livestream, the Word was preached in the following languages: Hungarian, Urdu, Norwegian, Spanish, Turkish, Farsi, Nepali, Bengali, Hindi, Khmer, Arabic, Romanian, Indonesian, German, French, Russian, Korean, Italian, Burmese and Oriya.

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